
Door Jam Novels in Fantasy/Sci-fi

In a recent email conversation with fellow author David Drazul, I mentioned that I’d grown tired of large fantasy/sci-fi “door jam” novels (books so big they could prop open a heavy door) due mainly to their emphasis on minutiae world-building over fast pacing.

When I think back to what I’ve read over the last year, books three and four of Steven Erikson’s Malazan series are the only door jam novels I finished. Erikson is a brilliant writer, but by the time I reached the middle of each book, even his work had me antsy for the end.

I’d love to read Brandon Sanderson’s Way of Kings, as I’ve heard good things about it, but at a thousand freakin’ pages, I can’t help but think of all the slimmer books I could read in the time it would take to finish that one.

The only door jam fantasy I want to read is the last Wheel of Time book. I started the series back in the ’90s because I heard it would be three books. Then three turned into six, which turned into nine, then twelve…until it’s now at the fifteenth and final(!) book due for release in January. I’m invested at this point. But I’d never start the series right now considering its length.

I gave up on George R.R. Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series because it felt like he was heading into Wheel of Time territory (and partly because I have the luxury of watching the DVDs).

It took my discovery of Glen Cook’s Dread Empire series for me to see that a fantasy/sci-fi novel doesn’t need to be a door jam to have quality world-building. Colin McComb’s debut Oathbreaker, Book 1: The Knight’s Tale (which I reviewed) is another example. Both Cook and McComb present their complex worlds and characters with visceral, compact prose that keeps their books under 250 pages without making them feel “thin.”

What are your favorite fantasy/sci-fi novels, with quality world-building, that are relatively short (e.g., under 300 pages)?

Or do you love the door jam novel? If so, why?

ZERVAKAN – Free Fantasy Novel – Prologue

I’m posting a chapter from my latest fantasy novel for free every Monday and Friday. It’s in a “pre-published state,” meaning you might find the occasional spelling/grammar mistake. If you do, please leave a comment below or email me at robsteiner01 [at] gmail [dot] com.

If you’re uncomfortable getting something for nothing, you can hit the PayPal Donate button in the Tip Jar section to the right. If you donate more than $3, I’ll send you a non-DRM ebook once the book is published (summer 2012). If you donate more than $20, I’ll send you a printed copy.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!




Reason and science gave the Recindian Compact wondrous technology like steam engines, telegraphs, and gunpowder. The world had order. It made sense.

Until one night two multi-colored bands of light appeared in the sky, spanning the horizons like rings around the planet. Soon after, unnatural storms assaulted Compact cities. Whispers spread of ghoulish creatures haunting Compact forests. And then a message from a legendary race called the Mystics – ally with us to fight the growing evil or we all perish.

Desperate, the Compact’s leaders turn to disgraced history professor Taran Abraeu. Taran once tried to save his dying daughter in a failed search for the mythic healing magic of the Mystics. His family and colleagues mocked him. Now his research may save them.

When Compact leaders ask Taran to accompany a secret delegation to the Mystic homeland, Taran is swept up in an adventure that forces him to fight a horrifying enemy that only he among all his people can comprehend.



by Rob Steiner



Keahra fled through the dark forest, ignoring the brambles that tugged at her cloak and flesh.  She did not know where she was going, nor did she care.  As long as it was farther and farther from the Guardian obelisk.  She even feared stopping to listen for her pursuers.  She was a prisoner to Fear, contrary to everything she had learned as a Tuathan Acolyte.  But her order had never prepared her for this.

It took a blind fall into a small creek to stop her panicked flight.  The cold water shocked her mind and body into forgetting its panic, and she reasserted her control.  She paused and listened for the two murderers.

The sounds of cracking branches and rustling leaves drifted to her in the still night.  They were coming.

She looked around, saw a small alcove where the roots of a nearby oak tree had made a natural cave in the embankment.  She eased her cut and bruised body through the frigid, muddy water toward the root cave, maneuvering herself all the way into the dark shelter.  She calmed her breathing, and then waited in the cold, chest-deep water.

Her pursuers grew closer until Keahra heard their voices and footfalls at the top of the bank.

“Wait,” a man said in a deep, angry voice.  Keahra assumed it was the same man she had watched stab poor Jyla in the heart back at the Guardian.  “Listen.”

A pause, then in a loud whisper, “I don’t hear anything.”  It was a woman’s voice, sounding as cruel as the man’s.  The woman had held Jyla down while the man took her life.

The woman said, “We have to find her.  They can’t know, not yet.”

“It’s all right,” the man said.  “We’ll find her once Angra comes.  We need to get back to the obelisk.  It’s almost time.”

Angra?  Keahra had heard stories about harrowers infiltrating the Beldamark ever since she was a child, but she always thought they were tales to keep Tuathan children in line.  Be good, or the harrowers will come for you, her father would say.  They can’t have children like normal people, so they take bad children to raise as their own.  Even as a child, Keahra knew the tales were nothing but tales.

But now…

Only minutes ago, Keahra had walked to the Guardian outside the town of Grayven to relieve Jyla’s vigil.  When she rounded a corner along the two-wheel track through the woods, she saw a large red-haired woman holding a crying Jyla’s arms behind her back.  Keahra arrived just in time to see the man plunge a dagger into Jyla’s chest.  Jyla’s eyes grew wide for a moment, then settled into an unseeing stare.  The red-haired woman let Jyla fall to the ground.  That was when she looked up and saw Keahra.  Without thinking, Keahra fled through the woods.

So if these vile people were harrowers, what were they doing at the Guardian?  The obelisk Guardians were among the last places left in the Beldamark that held the magical Aspects of Ahura.  Whatever they wanted to do, it was not for Ahura’s glory.

With the heavy weight of priestly responsibility, Keahra knew she had to go back and see what the harrowers were doing at the obelisk.  If she could return to Fedalan and report to the Master Circle everything she saw, they would have more information with which to formulate a plan of action.  Whether or not these people were harrowers, they were murderers, and Keahra would not let them get away with the murder of a fellow priest and friend.

Keahra waited until she no longer heard the murderers before she crawled out of the muddy pool beneath the tree roots.  Wet, cold, and dirty, she made her way quietly through the thick, brambly woods to the Guardian, pausing now and then to listen for movement.  She took a roundabout way back, not wanting to risk returning along the same path she had used to flee.  Animals scurried away from her in the dark, each one causing her heart to skip a beat and forcing her to stop and listen for the sounds of pursuit.

As she neared the Guardian, she took even more care not to make a sound.  Every crushed pine cone or rustle of her cloak made her wince.  When she reached the clearing of manicured grass encircling the obelisk, she looked on in shock at the Guardian’s golden tip.  A gray light waxed and waned from the tip…something only legends said it was capable of doing.  Not since the Barrier had gone up had the obelisk been activated like that.  Not for a thousand years.

Keahra sensed the forest around her hush, as if every animal and tree had stopped to see what came next.  Keahra had the same feeling of expectation, that any moment would bring—

The gray light pulses quickened, speeding up to the point where it seemed to solidify.  It made no sound, nor did the forest.

A blast of energy exploded from the Guardian, sending a wave of cold air at Keahra that made her stagger backward.  A gray beam of light shot into the night sky toward the stars.  The beam arced slightly to the northeast, its head growing fainter, but still remaining bright.  Keahra was astounded to see other beams arcing into the sky from what she assumed to be distant Guardians from around the Beldamark.  Keahra counted twenty-five beams, from all twenty-five Guardians.  The beams sped toward each other, heading toward a single point in the dark heavens.

After several seconds, the beams from all the Guardians met.  A flash of light brighter than the midday sun exploded soundlessly, and Keahra had to turn her eyes lest she be blinded.  She spent several seconds blinking away the starbursts filling her sight before she looked at the sky again.

Two parallel bands of light stretched across the sky from the northern horizon to the southern horizon.  One filled with swirling colors, like a rainbow reflecting off a shimmering pond; the other blacker than any darkness Keahra had ever seen, making the night sky behind it bright as the moon in comparison.  The rainbow-like band gave Keahra feelings of warmth, joy, and peace when she stared into its swirling colors.  The black band, however, seemed to claw at Keahra’s soul.

She wanted to turn away from the black band, but her eye caught two black tendrils snaking down from the band, like trails of ink dropped in a glass of water.  Her heart leaped into her throat for a moment, for the tendrils seemed to speed straight for her like two bolts of dark lightning.  But at the last moment, they veered toward the Guardian, piercing the now unlit golden tip as if it were no more solid than a wall of mist.  Keahra stared at the black tendrils as they undulated about the tip of the obelisk like angry snakes.

The wood door at the base of the obelisk shattered.  Keahra turned away just as her back was pelted with the door’s needle-like splinters.  She dove to the ground, ignoring the wood shards in her shoulders and back, and then peered through the undergrowth at the entrance.

One of the murderers, the woman, flew out the door and landed hard on the grassy clearing, tumbling over and over before stopping.  She leaped to her feet, one of the black tendrils touching her left hand raised above her head.  The man ran out the door, paused for a moment, his crazed eyes finding the woman, a snarl twisting his bearded face.  His left hand was also raised above his head, and a black tendril touched it.  He screamed in a language that was alien yet familiar to Keahra, then charged toward the woman.

The woman stood her ground, waited for the man to come within ten paces before pointing her right hand at the man.  A wave of black energy shot forth and enveloped the man.  Terrible nausea seized Kearha, but her discomfort was nothing compared to what enveloped the man.  He screamed a terrible, animal-like howl when the black energy hit him.  She saw the man as if through heat waves shimmering off beach sand during high summer.  The man’s features melted, merged, then folded in on themselves.  His screams changed, grew deeper and then shrill, impossible from a human throat.

The woman kept the black energy flowing over the man as he fell to his knees—or what became his knees in his new tortured form.  He no longer made any sound, but the woman laughed maniacally, shouting in the same strange language the man had used.  She did not stop until the man dissolved into the ground, leaving a blackened, wet patch of earth where his body had been.

Keahra wanted to vomit.  She held back the urge, but in doing so, she involuntarily grunted.

The woman’s head whipped around, and she stared straight at Keahra with glistening, obsidian eyes.

Keahra’s body froze beneath that unnatural gaze.  As the black energy engulfed her, she retained enough of her wits to realize she would be Ahura’s first martyr in over a thousand years.

© 2012 Rob Steiner

My kind of diet

Lately I’ve been a follower of the notion that if I’m writing for my blog, I’m not writing my novels. As a full-time employee and a full-time father, there are only so many writing hours in the day, and the novels will always go to the head of the “writing time” line.

So to avoid this being a simple “sorry I’ve been gone” post, here’s some food for thought — researchers have confirmed that eating chocolate makes you thin.



I just got a nice review of my mystery novel ASPECT OF PALE NIGHT from the Good Book Alert review site. An excerpt:

Rob Steiner describes mystery ASPECT OF PALE NIGHT as having a similar voice to Stephanie Plum, which drew my interest right away. Plum is a quirky character with a lot of spice and a big heart. Steiner’s Toni did not disappoint either….Honestly, it was hard to believe a guy wrote this. Steiner did a fabulous job of writing emotions from a female perspective. Absolutely, no cheese dripped from the heart of his main character, Toni, very genuine.

Read the whole thing.

Ebook Pricing Wars: Episode 1,209,843

Zoe Winters wrote a thoughtful and reasoned post on ebook pricing yesterday that’s worth the read for all you indie publishers struggling with the pricing question. An excerpt:

I am bolding this next part because if you don’t hear any of the rest of this, please hear this:

99 cent and free ebooks are not glutting the ebook market. They are glutting the BARGAIN ebook market.

If you are selling to that market or you are a reader in that market, it’s very easy to imagine it’s the only market and OMG we all have to price at 99 cents because other people are MAKING US with their low-priced ebooks.

Not so.

My own experience corroborates Zoe here. I almost fell into this trap last year when I considered tinkering with the price of my fantasy novel, THE LAST KEY.

Should I go high or should I go low?

If I go high, I thought, why would anyone pay $4.99 for my book with all the 99-cent/free books out there?

But then I wondered, If I go low, how would anyone notice my book with all the 99-cent/free books out there?

I decided to go high and priced THE LAST KEY at $4.99 (a common price-point for novels with 75,000+ words). Since I did that in December, my sales rates have…stayed the same.

And that’s good. It means I’m getting the same number of sales and making more money than when the book was priced lower. I may not be tapping into the BARGAIN market, but I am getting noticed by a different market. I like to think it’s the LOVERS OF HIGH QUALITY FANTASY market…

New short stories!

I published two short stories as ebooks back in December without announcing it to anyone, just to see what would happen. Would I get sales through sheer discovery, or would my stories sit online in undiscovered limbo?

I haven’t checked my January sales (one of my New Year’s resolutions is to only check my book sales on the last day of the month), but my December sales were a delightful surprise. Seems to validate many indie publishing theories that a unique title, interesting premise, and attention-grabbing cover do more to bring in sales than constant Facebook/Twitter blasts.

Now time for the next phase of my experiment — what kind of sales spike (if any) will I get from a blog/Facebook/Twitter blast? I’ll let you know on 1/31/12.

A Goblin Seeks a Career Change

What’s a poor goblin to do when a life of pillaging, barn burning, and general mayhem has lost its luster? Find out in this short story about Gorko, a goblin who wants to discover the world outside his Cave and Kin.

My attempt to see how well YA e-short stories sell. Verdict — I ain’t gonna get rich, but better than I expected for a short story from a no-name author who didn’t market the thing.

Kindle | Nook | Smashwords (all e-formats)

About Those Probes…

A short story with a humorous and somewhat insensitive take on alien abductions. Harry Hindman has been repeatedly abducted by aliens since he was sixteen. Now, with the end of the world approaching, he finds out just what was up with those probes…

This one is really popular with the Nook crowd. Not so much with Kindle and Smashwords readers. Do Nookers just have a sicker sense of humor than Kindlers and Smashies?

Kindle | Nook | Smashwords (all e-formats)

Book Review: Lacuna: Demons of the Void by David Adams

Just posted my review of Lacuna: Demons of the Void by David Adams on the New Podler Review of Books. Fans of straight-forward alien invasion stories will like this one. I liked it, too, despite some copy editing issues and dubious economics. Here’s an excerpt from the review:

Adams has written an action-packed story that doesn’t get bogged down in detailed descriptions of the science behind his contraptions. To many SF readers, that’s a bug and not a feature. But I’m among the SF fans who feel story trumps gadgets, and Lacuna does that with just enough plausible science when it’s appropriate to the story.

Read the whole thing.

Responding to Comment spam

Like most blogs, I get my share of spam in the Comments section of each post. My spam blocker does a good job of eliminating most of it before I even see it, but some comments make it through the filter and end up in my “pending” folder. I don’t want to let them through for obvious reasons, so I thought I’d respond to the most popular comments I got in the last three days:

Many thanks for making the effort to describe the terminlogy for the learners!

You’re welcome, although there wasn’t a lot of rocket science in my review of the horror novel Creepers to which this comment was attached.

Helpful info. Fortunate me I discovered your site by accident, and I am stunted why this twist of fate didn’t came about earlier! I bookmarked it.

Thanks for bookmarking me! Yes, it is truly stunting how those twists of fate can lead strangers to each other.

I do not even know the way I ended up here, but I thought this put up was once good. I don’t understand who you’re however certainly you’re going to a well-known blogger if you are not already. Cheers!

Have you considered a GPS system? I’ve heard good things about Garmin. And thanks, I am the best-known blogger in my house.

Strongly suggest adding a “google+” button for the blog!

People still use Google+?

Attractive component to content. I simply stumbled upon your blog and in accession capital to say that I get in fact enjoyed account your blog posts. Anyway I?ll be subscribing in your augment and even I fulfillment you get right of entry to constantly quickly.

Finally, somebody picked up on the ratio of component attractiveness to my content. But don’t hold your breath on my augmentation happening quickly. It’s the holidays, you know.