Cover of Weezer’s New Album ‘Hurley’

Seriously, this is the album cover. How awesome is this?

It’s even inspired other “Lost” mashups. The only one I’d add — “Ben” by Jimmy Buffett. No one loved the Island more than Ben, so who better to write the semi-tragic, part-time villain’s album than another man of the islands? Off the top of my head, “I Did It For the Island,” “Otherville”, “Coconut Teleporter,” and “Son of Son of a Janitor” are possible tracks.

Ebook Marketing and Publishing

I’m in an ebook mood today, particularly the marketing and publishing side. Might be because I’ve been rethinking some of my marketing strategies for my Kindle novel THE LAST KEY now that I’m developing a sequel. Hope these inspire you as much as they did me.